Our references
Entrepreneurs, Industries, Cities and Regions


natural idées,

SPLT - Société de Promotion du Lac de Tunis

Black Foundry

Capester Ltd.



Forez-Bennes Environnement
A major player in the dynamic information market in Europe, Lumiplan designs and implements innovative solutions to meet the communication needs of its customers. Present in the transport, city and mountain markets, Lumiplan offers solutions to broadcast useful and real-time information adapted to each context. The group has been growing steadily since its creation in 1972. Active with more than 2,000 customers and commercially present in more than 20 countries worldwide, Lumiplan has a turnover of € 40 million. The group employs more than 200 people in France and abroad. -
natural idées,
At the intersection of digital and architecture, natural idées designs living spaces that broadcast digital services with naturalconnect, and physical services with naturalbox.
For example, a city can offer its merchants a place of delivery outside opening hours thanks to the goods collection boxes attached to the naturalboxes, or a real estate builder can offer its residents not only a useful arrangement to secure their bicycles or develop a shared garden, but also digital services that make their daily lives easier.
OrbiCité supports natural ideas, in the promotion of its product, and in its commercial development.
Since September 2019, Gilles Betis, President of OrbiCité, has been a partner in natural ideas, in charge of the development and the acceleration of the company. -
SPLT - Société de Promotion du Lac de Tunis
The mission of the Société de Promotion du Lac de Tunis consists of the cleansing of the Northern Lake of Tunis, lay out, the marketing and the development of its banks. SPLT is thus charged to design and manage the execution on the Banks of the Northern Lake of Tunis of an integrated development project with its hydraulic, ecological, land, town planning, economic and social and cultural aspects. Smart City concepts are fully integrated in requirements and planification.
OrbiCité acts as an expert of Smart Cities and on related urban development methodologies. -
Black Foundry
In today’s global world, digital information is everywhere.
Black[Foundry] is a Paris-based type design company dedicated to creating, refining and producing fonts for a connected world.
They combines design and technology to meet new industrial challenges, and create high end typographic solutions, combining typeface design with technological excellence.
OrbiCité was asked by Black[Foundry] to provide expertise in writing their white paper "Typography: Writing the Future City, Three Perspectives on New Urban Experiences".
How do we navigate the modern city? What stories does it tell us, and what can we learn from them? In this white paper, it is investigated how leading-edge typography can enhance the quality of urban life in an age of big data, connectivity and autonomous mobility.
Click on View More to download the white paper.
https://black-foundry.com/ -
Capester Ltd.
Capester is an Israeli startup, that, after a successful launch in their country and in South America, requested OrbiCité to develop their operations in France and in French-speaking countries.
Capester provides a revolutionary crowdsourcing solution for governments by fostering partnerships between pro-active citizens and municipalities. Cities using Capester are more citizen-friendly, and are more effective and efficient in addressing citizens' concerns. Capester’s solution is covered by patent pending technology that turns a video clip filmed using a smartphone into legally admissible evidence in court.
Their technology allows easy and anonymous reporting of wrongdoings, starting with traffic and parking related violations that impact residential quality of life. Capester's back-end SaaS-based platform offers the municipality big-data insights into disturbances reported by citizens, facilitating the municipality's proper reactive or proactive responsive measures. -
Simpliciti, formerly Sabatier Géolocalisation, is the French leader in publishing and marketing software for professionals to address environmental issues.
With Contenur and Forez Bennes Environnement, they organized on April 5th, 2018 at the Pavillon d'Armenonville, in Paris, the first Environment Convention on collection of household waste.
OrbiCité helped them in the organization of this day, and carried the animation of this event. -
CONTENUR designs, manufactures and markets complete container solutions for the collection of urban waste, which improve the quality of life and aesthetics of cities. Industrial activity is complemented by a wide range of services including containerization studies, distribution and maintenance operations.
With Simpliciti and Forez Bennes Environnement, they organized on April 5th, 2018 at the Pavillon d'Armenonville, in Paris, the first Environment Convention on collection of household waste.
OrbiCité helped them in the organization of this day, and carried the animation of this event. -
Forez-Bennes Environnement
Forez-Bennes Environnement, created in 2015, is a subsidiary of FOREZ-BENNES and the FARID INDUSTRIE Group. It is the French Distributor for the entire range of garbage trucks and container washers of the FARID INDUSTRIE Group.
With Simpliciti and Contenur, they organized on April 5th, 2018 at the Pavillon d'Armenonville, in Paris, the first Environment Convention on collection of household waste.
OrbiCité helped them in the organization of this day, and carried the animation of this event.
Education and Training

ESTP Paris and Dijon

Bizerte Smart Summer School

Smart Cities & Engineering for Sustainable Architecture

Bizerte, Tunisia - Smart Cities Research School

Natal, Brazil - First IEEE Summer School on Smart Cities
ESTP Paris and Dijon
ESTP Paris, the School of Major Projects, is the reference school that trains the largest number of managers in France in the field of construction and the development of the living environment.
Alongside the Cachan and Troyes campuses, the 2019 academic year will see the opening of the Dijon campus, which houses a third-year option dedicated to Smart Cities.
OrbiCité runs Entrepreneurship Option teaching modules for the ESTP, is actively involved in the design of the program for the future Smart Cities option in Dijon, and will take charge of some teaching modules. -
Bizerte Smart Summer School
Organized by École Supérieure de Commerce et de Comptabilité de Bizerte and by OrbiCité, the Bizerte Smart Summer School welcomed about 40 students and city professionals. Thanks to the active support of the new Bizerte Municipality and Bizerte 2050 association, for one week it has been proposing plenary presentations, practical work on real use cases, discussions, and also social events, creating a specific alchemy, allowing everyone to come back with new knowledge, new visions, new ideas and a new peer network. -
Smart Cities & Engineering for Sustainable Architecture
EPF Graduate School of Engineering, a French "Grande École" located near Paris in partnership with ESTP Paris, a French "Grande École" in civil engineering, has decided to launch an innovative and dynamic Summer School on Smart Cities & Engineering for Sustainable Architecture from July 2nd to 20th 2018 in Paris & Troyes (France). In a changing and more and more internationalized world, high level students should be acquainted with “smart technologies” and have precise knowledge on engineering methods in the field of Sustainable Architecture.
In 2018 and 2019, OrbiCité contributed to this academic event with a lecture on « Mobility as a Service », « French Smart Cities » and « Electric Mobility ». -
Bizerte, Tunisia - Smart Cities Research School
Sponsored by OrbiCité, the 2017 Smart Cities Research School is an event organized by DeRCa-VIE Project, a PHC Utique Project between the Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte and the University of Bordeaux, with focus on providing insights about new available opportunities for job creations and improvement in our daily life, provided with smart cities initiative spread out over the world. The aim of the School is to tackle the exciting and broad area of smart cities by some of the most prominent researchers and professionals in this recent and promising field.
During the opening session Gilles Betis made a general introduction on what's at stake in smart cities regarding Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Then during the Smart Mobility session, he presented a keynote on MaaS: "Mobility as a Service, a new paradigm implementation".
Focusing on the finalities rather than on the means to move people and goods, a new field of solutions is emerging now. Technological standards and business processes are ready, new business models and new actors are emerging. Those models are not exclusive to developed countries, but also have a great interest in developing countries. -
Natal, Brazil - First IEEE Summer School on Smart Cities
The City of Natal welcomed the first IEEE Smart Cities Summer School, on 6-11 August, 2017. A good opportunity for students, professionals and municipality representatives to work together on real use cases, and find ways of improving the daily life of the citizens.
During this event, OrbiCité was organizing an Innovation and Entrepreneurial module, including three introductory keynotes (Smart Cities, Innovation, Entrepreneurship) and a series of collaborative working sessions based on real use cases. Thanks to Natal municipality, nine were submitted, expressing 12 different problems to be solved for the city.
Conferences : Keynotes and Panels

Porto, Portugal - European IoT Analytics Summit - EuroIoTA'17

Tipasa / Kolea, Algeria - IC-AIRES'2017

Beyrouth et Saïda, Liban - SENSET2017

Guadalajara, Mexico - Digital Economy Show 2017

Chambéry - Assises Nationales de la Transformation des Stations de Ski et du Tourisme en Montagne

Bruxelles - Road User Charging Conference

Paris - ICIN 2017 : Workshop on IoT Infrastructures and Data Analytics for Smart Cities

Sfax, Tunisia - Forum ENET'Com Etudiants Entreprises

Sfax, Tunisia - International Conference on Smart, Monitored and Controlled Cities

Porto Living Lab - 4th Annual CCFC Meeting
Porto, Portugal - European IoT Analytics Summit - EuroIoTA'17
On November 24th, 2017, during EuroIoTA'17, Gilles Betis, CEO of OrbiCité, was invited to give a keynote at on "MaaS – Mobility as a Service, a new paradigm implementation".
The European IoT Analytics Summit is a meeting place for both academia, government and industry to discuss upcoming challenges of IoT data mining, machine learning and data science methods. This event is organized and funded by the Big Data and Market Insights Chair at Institute Mines-Telecom. -
Tipasa / Kolea, Algeria - IC-AIRES'2017
IC-AIRES2017 is the First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems, focusing on integration of metaheuristics approachs with big data and smart theory and applications in managing, optimizing, communicating, and computing intelligence for renewables.
During this conference, that took place in Kolea École Supérieure de Commerce on October 22nd / 24th 2017, Gilles Betis was invited to give a keynote on "Methodology and Commons as enablers for the development of the Smart Territories". -
Beyrouth et Saïda, Liban - SENSET2017
SENSET2017 is the first International Conference on Sensors, Networks, Smart and Emerging Technologies. It is a multi-track event that was held between Tuesday 12 September and Thursday 14 September 2017 in Lebanon, a very attractive and touristic country in the Middle East.
This conference provided an opportunity for researchers to come together and share their knowledge in a wide range of topic including but not limited to intelligent devices and technologies like mobile applications, microwave sensors and devices, artificial intelligence, infrastructure protection, computer networks security, environment, green buildings, energy, healthcare…
SENSET2017 was organized by the Lebanese University, University Institute of Technology. It will be an international forum that brings researchers from various parts of the world to present the various developments, new ideas and their findings in diverse but complementary fields leading to Smart Cities. -
Guadalajara, Mexico - Digital Economy Show 2017
Digital Economy Show is a forum that presents technological solutions and applied innovation, bringing together the most visionary exponents, suppliers and lecturers in topics related to the industry 4.0, Internet of Things, Smart Cities, e-Commerce, e-Health and Creative Industries Digital; creating a unique business platform that will lead entrepreneurs, institutions, government and SMEs to join to the Digital Transformation ecosystem. -
Chambéry - Assises Nationales de la Transformation des Stations de Ski et du Tourisme en Montagne
The digital transformation is a major development challenge of stations and their positioning in an increasingly competitive tourism market.
Audience enrich the offer "solutions" of Alpipro lounges and Mountain Digital for strategic thinking on the overall economic model, the collective approach and collaborative approach of all stakeholders of the resort, governance, change management customer experience, sharing of data, interconnects, etc.
Audience cater to all categories of stakeholders in the resort: elected officials and communities / operators of ski areas, marketing managers, CIOs / tourist offices, community managers, CRM managers / traders, hoteliers, hosts, service companies and managements, schools and ski instructors. -
Bruxelles - Road User Charging Conference
CiTTi Magazine‘s annual Road User Charging Conference provides the latest insight, case studies and debate on current trends and future challenges that affect senior decision makers who have responsibility for intelligent transportation systems and road pricing.
This two-day gathering of leading practitioners welcomes delegates from around the world and across sectors to encourage active discussion and peer-to-peer learning. -
Paris - ICIN 2017 : Workshop on IoT Infrastructures and Data Analytics for Smart Cities
Since 1989 the ICIN series of conferences has been bringing together leading telecom and internet experts from industry, universities and government worldwide. ICIN operates on a rigorous peer review process and has become the established industry forum for addressing intelligence in Information and Communications Technology (ICT). ICIN conferences are renowned for their debates on the impact of emerging technology, architecture and industry trends on intelligent communications services. ICIN has an enviable track record of identifying key technology and service trends – and analysing their impact on business models – before they become widely recognized. -
Sfax, Tunisia - Forum ENET'Com Etudiants Entreprises
The ENET'Com Students-Enterprises Forum, organized by the National School of Electronics and Telecommunications of Sfax, ensures an academic-professional interaction that expresses itself through the exchange between scientific knowledge and industrial expertise. The latter allows students to discover the industrial world and discuss different problems related to the integration of new graduates around round tables, workshops conferences and debates under several themes. -
Sfax, Tunisia - International Conference on Smart, Monitored and Controlled Cities
SM2C-2017 is an International Conference on Smart, Monitored and Controlled Cities which focuses on information and communications technology (ICT) as a culture. Therefore, it encompasses smart technologies, engineering, sciences, and humanities. The SM2C-2017 provided an opportunity for researchers adopting novel approaches to exchange and share their ideas and research results about the impact of their works on city. -
Porto Living Lab - 4th Annual CCFC Meeting
The Center of Competence for Future Cities stimulates multidisciplinary work, promoting collaboration among partners from different areas. All efforts are carried out in close cooperation with local and international companies (small, medium and large), as well as municipalities, government agencies, and reference international science and research institutions. In his keynote, Gilles Betis discussed about Smart Cities, Urban Data and presented the IEEE Smart Cities Initiative.